About this system
The research project "Predicting and Assessing Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services" (PANCES) has been conducted since 2016 with the participation of more than 100 researchers from more than 10 research institutes, mainly in Japan, to develop an integrated model of social and ecological systems that will enable future prediction and assessment of the natural and socioeconomic value of natural capital and ecosystem services due to demographic change and land use change. The project has been conducted since 2016 with the participation of more than 100 researchers from more than 10 research institutions. Another important research task of the project is to conduct a forecast assessment of the natural and socio-economic values of natural capital and ecosystem services using several key indicators until 2050, and to identify multiple policy options based on scenario analysis.
On the other hand, on 19 December 2022, new global biodiversity framework : Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) was adopted, replacing the CBD’s Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi Targets. In Japan, too, discussions are underway to review the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan in light of these international trends.
In this context, the PANCES research project has developed a set of policy options on biodiversity as natural capital and ecosystem services to contribute to the future review of The Regional Biodiversity Strategy and implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan, and to provide useful knowledge for the study of land use and land use to realize a society in harmony with nature. We have developed a set of options.
A total of 153 policy options, 89 for terrestrial areas and 64 for marine areas, have been developed and are referred to as "PANCES Policy Options". Each option is divided into target areas (terrestrial and marine) and major ecosystem service areas (supply services such as food, coordination services such as carbon fixation, cultural services such as recreation, and multiple areas). In addition, the relationship with the GBF and SDGs is organized. This system allows you to search and display policy options based on these categories and relationships.
In addition, from each policy option, you can view a list of related policies which have been enacted in Japan (a total of 1,467 policies extracted from a total of six documents of several ministries and agencies, such as the National Biodiversity Strategy 2012-2020, have been converted into data) and individual data. It is also possible to narrow down the list of enacted policies by policy method. In the “Search Policy Measures in Japan” section above, you can narrow down by implementation entity, free word, etc.
Please use this information to understand the policy options that should be emphasized regarding natural capital and ecosystem services, as well as related enacted policy measures, when considering policies related to the GBF and SDGs. For the latest information on the GBF and SDGs, please refer to the following links.